Everyone has a Talent
  • BY John Shangwa
  • Jan. 24, 2024, 12:29 p.m.

Everyone has a Talent

Everyone has a Talent.

Talent is an inherent skill- it’s something you have a natural ability to perform. Everyone has talent but not everyone is fortunate enough to uncover their talent. Talent has to be discovered first, then sharpened and improve for it to be optimised at its maximum capacity.

A scientist who was able to discover a formula to create a vaccine for Polio might not perform best in the Olympics or on a football pitch or even sing because that is not their talent.

This quandary calls us to step back, analyse and think about this paradox of life. Our thought patterns then are supposed to be shaped by the fundamental question of why. Why is it so? Why does it happen?

The answer to this question is not shrouded in some cloud of mystery, since ancient times people have acknowledged that individuals inherently possess special ‘Gifts’ – talent in particular domains. The word Gift in this context is derived from the same definition of the word itself- it is something you are given, you do not earn it nor do you buy it. However, you are granted the latitudes and autonomy to fully utilise and enjoy it. Debates on the author or giver of the gift are a topic for another day, but all come to the consensus that every individual has a gift in one way or the other.

People, in general, avoid the critical pursuit of discovering those gifts. Talent discovery has, however, been subordinated to standardised education and training. This is a fundamental flaw as history and current status show us that education can only take people to a certain level of success which is outstripped and out shinned by talent.

Our education system has no depth, finesse, or character to produce a Michelangelo, another Mozart, another Aristotle, another, Alexander The Great, another Shaka Zulu, or another Steve Jobs. These were men who excelled in their endeavors, not because of structured learning, they excelled and were propelled by inherent inborn talents.

Evolearn pursues talent, we believe talent forms the core of the individual. It gives an individual the life compass and fulfillment that they can never find from anything else.  We pursue this critical missing link, by uncovering the individual talents, skilling them and training learners from the age of 3 years. We encourage you as an individual, parent, or guardian to embark on this journey today. You can register your child today.